New products have been recently developed. Proper descriptions and test measurements will follow soon under the products tab on this website.
We are happy to have finally concluded the development of a 2-12 GHz dual-channel transceiver board, which is compatible with the Ettus USRP X310 software defined radio. This board is at the heart of our newly developed table-top radar target simulator.
The USRP daughterboard can be used to upgrade X310 SDRs. It features two transmit and two receive channels, a wealth of signal conditioning options and superior inter-channel coherence thanks to sharing of one single local oscillator between all the RX and TX channels. An additional calibration output signal can be used to phase-align the receivers.
In addition, we have also been working on an upgrade of our polarimetric RTS intended for weather radar calibration. It is now available for S-, C- and X-band frequencies and features automatic antenna alignment.