Radar Target Simulators

The Palindrome p2q radar target simulator offers flexible polarimetric target generation with up to 50 MHz instantaneous bandwidth at specific weather radar frequency bands. It provides an end-to-end weather radar calibration solution thanks to its capability to generate high-accuracy polarimetric targets at distances from 2 to 200 km. The high dynamic range in reception as well as in transmission allows one to perform test scenarios over the radar’s full detection range.

The Palindrome p2q radar target simulator has been designed to generate highly accurate polarimetric radar targets. Unparalleled precision is achieved with internal self-calibration, temperature stabilization and automatic antenna alignment.  The weather proof design and various remote control options enable its operation in harsh conditions.

  • Frequency range: S-Band, C-band, X-band or multi-frequency option.
  • Instantaneous bandwidth: max 50 MHz per channel.
  • Minimum target delay: 15 us
  • Number of targets: 2 per channel
  • Maximum output power: 15 dBm
  • 0.5 dBZ absolute accuracy
  • 0.2 dB differential accuracy
  • Pulse logging and analysis
  • Remote operation via WiFi or GSM connection
  • Various target modulation options
X-band radar measurements of generated targets with increasing reflectivity. Target range was 30 km and the differential reflectivity was kept constant at 0 dB.
Antenna pattern measured with the target simulator. From top to bottom: Horizontal polarization, vertical polarization, difference between the two.

Target properties can be set via a comprehensive web interface. The software also provides real-time data on incoming radar pulses, allowing to analyze and store information on the radar’s transmit power, differential phase on transmit, frequency as well as pulse duration and shape.